Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 154: Clementine Box

I couldn't resist a photo of the wooden box clementines my mom bought came in. The quote doesn't match, but really liked it.

"I really don't think life is about the I-could-have-beens. Life is only about the I-tried-to-do. I don't mind the failure but I can't imagine that I'd forgive myself if I didn't try." -Nikki Giovanni

Day 153: Painting with Light

I want to try this again, but photos with long shutters are pretty awesome. It's a lot of guess and check though since you can't see the finished product until after the photo is taken. I did crop this photo since the light was only on about two-thirds of the picture. I tried some other things and then decided to try one with just the swirls and curves. This was the last photo I took that night and knew it was the winner.

"Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures." -Henry Ward Beecher

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 152: Milan and Sarah's Wedding

Today was Milan and Sarah's wedding. It was a beautiful wedding and I ended up getting to assist and take pictures during the ceremony. I think some of them turned out well, but I am not going to post any of those right now. Many of them will probably end up on Facebook in a few weeks. Today I decided to just post a photo of some of their decorations. These fabric triangles were hung around the reception hall, the sides of the chairs during the ceremony, and through the trees (where these ones were) behind the ceremony. Their grandmother is going to then quilt them a blanket out of this fabric. That quilt is going to mean a lot.

"Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence." -Eric Fromm

Day 151: Wedding Centerpieces

Saturday evening was Nick and Sarah's wedding rehearsal. While they were practicing a group of us helped with the centerpieces. The sunflowers were beautiful.

"Flowers have an expression of countenance as much as men and animals. Some seem to smile; some have a sad expression; some are pensive and diffident, others again are plain, honest and upright, like the broad-faced sunflower and the hollyhock." -Henry Ward Beecher

Day 150: Surrounded by Weeds

Yes, this is a toilet surrounded by weeds. On a walk this evening I found this and thought it was photo worthy, they are probably remodeling. 

"Trash has given us an appetite for art." -Pauline Kael

Day 149: Shadows

I thought I'd play with shadows this evening again. The streetlight nearby and moon made some great light to work with.

"False friends are like our shadow, keeping close to us while we walk in the sunshine but leaving us when we cross into the shade." -Christian Nevel Bovee

Day 148: Portrait of Kristen

It was Kristen's band banquet so I decided to stop and get a few pictures of her before I dropped her off at for the banquet. This one doesn't have her awesome hot pink shoes that matched the belt.

"Before you put on a frown, make absolutely sure there are no smiles available." -Jim Beggs

Day 147: Ceiling Fan

A little motion.

"Never mistake motion for action." -Ernest Hemingway

Day 146: Graduation Party

Sara Jo! Sara Jo showed up at Ashley's graduation party which was a nice surprise. Taking a picture of someone taking a picture, pretty classic.

"To the complaint, 'There are no people in these phtographs,' I respond, 'There are always two people: the photographer and the viewer.'" -Ansel Adams

Day 145: High Heels

I'm a girl so I'm allowed to get excited about a new pair of shoes. I found these white heels when we were shopping and just fell in love with them.

"Everyone chases after happiness, not noticing that happiness is right at their heels." -Bertol Brecht

Day 144: Country Hat

Another one where I was working with the texture of the object. The wicker hat and beads around it

"Be like Curious George, start with a question and look under the yellow hat to find what's there." -James Collins

Day 143: Steel Band Concert

May 26 was the high schools jazz and steel band concert. There were quite a few good shots from that evening, but I liked the various facial expressions in this one.

"A fool is like the big drum that beats fast but does not realize its hollowness." -Malayan Proverb

Day 142: Wood Flower

This is the flower engraved on the frame of a mirror in my house. The rustic "texture" shows up well in the photo.
"Age appears to be best in four things; old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read." -Francis Bacon

Day 138: Fly Away

Yep, it's a bird candle holder.

"Use what talents you posses; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sang the best." -Henry Van Dyke

Day 141: Wooden Piano

This is a small wooden piano box that was hand carved. My sister bought it for my birthday this past year.

"When you play music you discover a part of yourself that you never knew existed." -Bill Evans

Day 140: B&W 9

What is it? For today's photo I really enjoyed make something so abstract.

"One very important difference between color and monochromatic photography is this: in black and white you suggest; in color you state. Much can be implied by suggestion, but statement demands certainty... absolute certainty." -Paul Outerbridge

Day 139: Basketball

I do believe the best sporting company is Wilson. I don't know why I would think that.

"WILSON!" -Tom Hanks, Castaway

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 137: Blooming Flowers

My mom finally bought a few hanging baskets. The little "hairs" on the stems showed up well.

"Happiness held is the seed; happiness shared is the flower." -Phillips Brooks

Day 136: Sunglasses

Aviator sunglasses, what more can I say?

"Wearing sunglasses at night hurts your eyes after a while." -Corey Hart

Day 135: Waffle Cone Dessert

This evening after dinner I made waffle cones which I then filled with vanilla ice cream, strawberries, chocolate syrup, and whip cream. It was as good, if not better than it looked.

"Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first." -Ernestine Ulmer

Day 134: Eyeglasses

The glasses reflecting off the wood wasn't something I was expecting, but added to the photo.

"Words, like eyeglasses, blur everything that they do not make clear." -Joseph Joubert

Day 133: Necklace

The texture of the seat I sat the necklace on adds nicely to the photo.

"The mark of a wise person is being able to reach beyond the truth, to admit they can learn more than they already know. A wise person doesn't string together the beads of unrelated events into a necklace simply to have something they wish to see. A wise person sees the truth even if it is something unexpected. That is the most beautiful necklace to wear -the truth." -Terry Goodkind

Day 132: Soda Cans

Yes, I do say soda even though I'm from the Pittsburgh area.

"So in our pride we ordered for breakfast an omelet, toast and coffee and what has just arrived is a tomato salad with onions, a dish or pickles, a big slice of watermelon and two bottles of cream soda." -John Steinbeck

Day 131: B&W 8

I photographed this one in color, but since it was at night I was having difficulty capturing the light without it the photo getting blurry. This is one of the few I decided to edit to keep the light in color and turn the rest black and white.

I thought the quote was funny since I am studying statistics.

"Statistics are used like a drunk uses a lamp-post- for support, not illumination." -Vince Scully

Day 129: Tie

"If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things." -Albert Einstein 

Day 128: Toothbrush

This photography project is really challenging me to think of different things to photograph.

"Rewriting is like scrubbing the basement floor with a toothbrush." -Pete Murphy

Day 127: Self Portrait 2 Lens

Thought I would do another self-portrait with this project. This time a close-up though.

"Your first 10,000 photos are your worst." -Henri Cartier-Bresson

Day 126: Little flowers

"Flowers whisper "Beauty!" to the world, even as they fade, wilt, fall." -Dr. SunWolf

Day 125: Bookcase Doorknob

The doorknobs on our built-in bookcases in our house are really interesting.

"People are much more willing to lend you books than bookcases." - Mark Twain

Day 124: Basketball Hoop

The last few times I was in Pittsburgh for services I forgot to bring my camera. I brought it this time though and got this!

"You've got to be ready for anything in basketball. You can't blame the game on that at all. You never know any given night what will happen." -Ashley Rutledge

Day 123: Inside of Flower

On this Friday I took quite a few photographs of flowers. This is one of my favorite. I then took these and photos I took in the past and made a Mother's Day gift for my mom. We had a room divider that had photos in it. The glass in a few of the frames had broken so I replaced that and put the new photos in. It turned out really well!

"Earth laughs in flowers." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Day 122: Yellow Purse

My mom bought this new yellow purse which I absolutely love! (Especially since it is a big purse to.) For those that know me, I am never without a big purse.

"It is criminal to steal a purse, daring to steal a fortune, a mark of greatness to steal a crown. The blame diminishes as the guilt increases." -Friedrich Schiller